Who Are We?
Phoenix Care Group was established in 2020 in direct response to the urgent need for more therapeutic based residential support for young people and care leavers on the Isle of Wight and across Southern England.
Our core service provides a range of supported accommodation options for young adults aged 16 to 25, with varying degrees of emotional, behavioural and developmental needs, moving on to independent living following a carefully supported pathway plan.
Utilising a Therapeutic Communities approach, our living and learning environment is integral to the success of our work. We don’t believe in a one size fits all approach and employ a wide range of therapeutic professionals to provide our young people with individualised support plans, achieving desired outcomes essential for each person’s need to develop and grow.
Phoenix Care Group has been established by Lucy McGrath, who successfully created and developed the formation of a previous youth service on the Island, and saw the ongoing need for a wider breadth of support. So Phoenix Care Group was born to deliver a service that not only encompasses Post 16 residential support, but also Pre 16, young parents and babies and looked after children including separated children seeking asylum (SCSA).
Drawing on her own wealth of experience and the highly qualified team, Phoenix Care Group will also offer additional Training and Consultancy services for care providers and their staff as well as other in-field professionals outside of the residential support.
Our Ethos
Phoenix Care Group mission is to provide a warm, accepting and safe environment, with the correct level of staffing to support each young person to gain the skills they need to live independently.
This means we will …
Provide a high level of nurturing support so that all the young person’s basic needs are met to the highest standards.
Safe Environment
Provide a non-institutionalised environment which is person-centred, safe, warm, stable, friendly and therapeutic, with clear, firm, consistent boundaries.
Assess each young person’s individual holistic needs – physical, emotional, social, cultural, spiritual and therapeutic – and to implement plans and strategies which address and meet these needs.
Identify the areas of growth which would benefit the young person in their present and future life (e.g. emotional and cognitive development, development of physical, social, practical and interpersonal skills) and to implement plans and strategies which address these.
Work Together
Work closely with families and all other agencies involved (e.g. Social Services, schools, paediatricians, CAMHS services, YOT etc.) in devising and implementing strategies which best meet the young person’s needs.
Prepare the young person fully for integration into society following a clear and concise pathway plan to full independence.
Long-term Support
In the case of young people who require long-term support, our aim is to prepare them for eventual independence with personalised behavioural management plans, desired outcomes and person- focussed and tailored support.
Maximise Potential
Whether the young person is placed with us on a short, medium or long-term basis, our goal is to maximise their potential.

Telephone (24/7): 01983 243260
Head Office:
Unit 4A
Carisbrooke Business Park
Whitcombe Road
Isle of Wight
PO30 1YS
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